Our mother planted this pear tree in the ’70s, and we have benefited from it year in and year out. If you are a doting parent who wants to do something for your children, plant a fruit tree. Perhaps it will not be your children who are here when it is grown, but we hope that wherever your children go, someone will have planted a fruit tree.
Food and Recipes
Wintertime Flower Tea
Herb flowers harvested for Rebecca’s famous “wintertime flower tea.”
Garlic Scape Garnish for the Grill
Grill your scapes on a hot grill, turning several times with tongs, till they begin to wilt and are charred in bars. Toss them with a little lemon juice and olive oil or butter. Drape them artistically over meat, fish, a roasted vegetable platter, or just about anything you have coming off the grill.